What is REALLY Free?

What is REALLY Free?

You want to work on the things that are important to you…but find yourself spending hours doing other tasks. You have good intentions…but somehow you can’t get away from email. Once you finally leave the inboxes, you find you have no momentum. Despite trying to be...
The Usefulness of Productivity

The Usefulness of Productivity

Being productive means finishing the tasks and projects that matter to you. Productivity enables you to cross off items on your to-do list. Once you finish your work, how do you spend your spare time?  Spend time enjoying hobbies Watch or participate in sports Read...
How To Find Time In Your Day

How To Find Time In Your Day

Do you struggle to finish everything you set to do during the day? If so, you’re not alone. We are all doing more work than ever before. At times, it can feel like there are not enough hours in the day. Do you dream of having extra time? If so, I’ve got good news for...