Efficiency Consulting

Sometimes an outside Eye is the Lever you need to make Progress

What is efficiency consulting and why is it important?

EC is a structured process to detect the bottlenecks that block more personal effectiveness.

Solving the next bottleneck is the only way to experience progress. Progress feeds  motivation and is needed to further anchor a new way of working.

Where do you start? How do you find the bottlenecks in the organization, teams and individuals that robs your knowledge worker of their  limited resources ?

Without adequate analysis, you waste time, energy, attention and money when you implement something different. Low-hanging fruit is a very bad idea when it does not solve your bottleneck

What we improve are the processes in the organization and teams that have a direct impact on the limited resources of your knowledge workers.

We provide tools for the individual knowledge worker to audit and improve their own processes.

Tooting Our Own Horn

Numbers & Numbers

We have an engineering mindset, we like numbers. We’re fans of the late Peter Drucker. He said that you can’t manage what you don’t measure. But we also like the pattern recognition, the targets and above the progress measurement.

Blog Publications

Participants workshops




How We Help You Find Progress

Conduct diagnosis

An accurate assessment of the current baseline helps to detect opportunities and provides a measurement for progress.

Provide recommendations

No big reports, no political correctness, no low hanging fruit if it doesn’t fix the bottleneck.

Build Commitment

Convincing your knowledge workers to take actions that makes sense and feels right even when the actions are out of our normal.

Facilitate Learning

Consulting is a two way learning process. We like to become unneeded by leaving our contagious learning approach.

Assist Implementation

We don’t debate this. We like to help your implement changes. Period.

Improve effectiveness

By making your knowledge workers & your teams more effective your organisation makes better use of the limited resources.

How can we help you


What People are Saying

“Value for Money”

“Thanks for the insights. More than enough value for money.”

Peter de Ranter , Ceo Prosteps

“Positive Commitments”

“I have heard many positive comments and commitments to implement some of the ideas you presented. Thanks again for making the long trip to the States! “

Chuck Mead, Md Lms Coralville

“Instant Satisfaction”

“So practical and applicable. It gave me  instant satisfaction.” 

Bastiaan Deschuttere, Asset Manager Prayon

“Eternal Gratitude”

“This was a life changing for me, perhaps even life saving. By implementing some of the personal algorithms the impact was even beneficial for my private life”

Jan Verhoeven, Sales Manager Power Products