Training and coaching

Training and Coaching
Fortunately, it is no longer necessary to read hundreds of books on personal efficiency and participate in about ten time management training courses……. before having to spend hours and hours trying to implement what you have learned.
The Team Management Company trainers have done much of this work and are happy to share it with you. We have developed a series of training courses that allow you to acquire, in a minimum of time, the knowledge and know-how necessary to start your personal path to greater success and productivity.
All our training courses are organized in open registration and can, of course, also be organized in-house
The classic starting point is our “Master Your ToDo-List©” (MYT) training. This one-day training course allows you to understand the challenges of the knowledge worker and prepare for the implementation of the elegant and reliable system outside your head. Here is a series of key concepts and tools conveyed during this training:
– The functioning of our brain and why it is not the natural tool to organize and achieve objectives;
– Efficiency vs. effectiveness, where to start;
– The different limited resources of the knowledge worker = T.E.A.M. ;
– The basic structure of the MYT© tool: the four lists ;
– The basic process for the MYT© tool: the four steps;
– The basic principles for the implementation, individualization and continuous improvement of the system.
A first additional training is “Master Your Mailbox©” (MYM). This training shows how to formalize the principles of “Master Your ToDo-List” using Microsoft Outlook and regain control over your inbox (and incoming email flow). This is a hands-on training course during which participants learn to get to know Outlook better and customize it. After this session, the software evolved from a massive distraction weapon to a Swiss Army knife for productivity.
A second additional training is “OneNote To The Rescue©” (OTR). Like “Master Your Mailbox”, this course offers participants the opportunity to implement explanations and principles in real time on their own computer. The objective of the training is to show how to collect, organize and share information flows using Microsoft OneNote.
For those who want to take advantage of special attention to accelerate and improve the implementation of their “T.E.A.M.-Management”, we offer individual support.
Take advantage of the experience and knowledge of our coaches to refine your systems and processes. Put all the chances on your side to succeed in the implementation by setting objectives and ensuring control and support from our experts.
What People are Saying
Have been using my system for months now
I have been a believer from the very beginning. Already 10 years ago (when you were still working at Colruyt) I followed my first Getting Things Done training.
For years I tried different methods, especially on paper. Many of them died faster than others. I had my system for some 70% working. I finally got it working by following the MYM training recently. I have been using my system for months now, my mailbox is almost empty every day.
The MYT training has become a standard training for each of our engineers. My experience is that everyone struggles with this.
After your workshop 6 months ago I immediately spent a whole Sunday setting up my MYT – system
The first days/weeks I forced myself to push everything in my inboxes through the schedule.
This operation quickly became a habit!
My MYT system has already “evolved” a bit during this 6 month period.
Today I am even more convinced of this way of working you have expressed with so much enthusiasm.
I have already tried to convince many a colleague, who are especially annoyed by my ‘waiting for list’, to follow one of your workshops.
Johan, thanks for the extra time!
At the end of 2015 I took the Master Your Todo List workshop.
After overcoming the initial resistance, setting up the lists went quite smoothly. But implementing the system in my daily work went a little less swiftly.
By being coached one-on-one by Johan, this went more smoothly, on the one hand through personal advice and on the other hand through the follow-up that took place every two weeks. In a certain way it felt like doing homework by the time of the next session. This gave me enough motivation to continue to work on my system.